Sunday, March 22, 2020
Enchantment Theatre Company, in collaboration with the Estate of Beatrix Potter and Penguin Books UK, brings her captivating stories to life. Using fantastic masks, whimsical puppets, gorgeous scenery and original music, the magical, marvelous world of Beatrix Potter comes alive on stage.

Tickets for Chris Perondi's Stunt Dog Experience" are suspended, as all currently available seats are sold out. We are working to add some additional seating. If that is possible, tickets will go back on sale Thursday, March 25, at noon. All seating will be socially-distanced.
We regret to announce that we have cancelled the March 22 Peter Rabbit Tales show at the Paramount Theatre in Abilene due to concerns related to the Corona virus and the fact that the Enchantment Theatre Company has halted their national tour. If you hold tickets to the show you will receive an email from our organization to follow up. In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, feel free to email cpas@abilenecac.org or hollye@abilenecac.org. We appreciate your patronage and support of CPAS and look forward to a time when we can once again gather to celebrate the joys of great family theater.

“Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were – Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter….” These famous opening lines of The Tale of Peter Rabbit have enchanted young audiences for over one hundred years with the exploits of a charming hero, who, going against his mother’s wishes, has adventures (and misadventures) in Mr. McGregor’s garden. Beatrix Potter created an instant classic with the little blue-coated rabbit who we recognize as both boy and rabbit, wild and civilized, and who has become an icon of childhood since he first hopped out of the pages of a story book and into children’s hearts. Now, Enchantment Theatre Company is delighted to collaborate with the Estate of Beatrix Potter and Penguin Books UK to present the authorized theatrical version of Peter Rabbit Tales.
Meet Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, Beatrix Potter’s beloved characters, as they escape from Mr. McGregor, outfox Mr. Tod and rescue the Flopsy Bunnies from the disagreeable badger, Tommy Brock.
When Benjamin’s children disappear, he goes to his cousin, Peter Rabbit, to help him find the bunnies. But Peter thinks he’s had quite enough of adventure, remembering his youthful escapades in Mr. McGregor’s garden. As the cousins reminisce about their past adventures, their friends - Squirrel Nutkin, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Jemima Puddle-duck and Thomasina Tittlemouse - gather to encourage Peter on this one last quest.
"The result is a masterful fusion of engaging storytelling with the performing and visual arts, which appeals to all of the senses, stimulates intu
itive thinking, and captivates adults and children alike." - DCMetro TheaterArts
"The Enchantment Theatre Company’s production of Peter Rabbit Tales has captured the essence of Beatrix Potter’s work through their careful study of both the text of the original tales and research into our Beatrix Potter illustration archive. Through a well-crafted script, dynamic choreography and simple but effective staging, the show makes for an absorbing and enjoyable experience for all. We are delighted to endorse this excellent production." - Ronnie Fairweather, Creative Director, Penguin Books UK
Over 171,000 children and families attended PRT in over 100 cities across the US inthe 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons.
"Completely entrancing, charming, surprising and fanciful" - Pam Weisberg, Catskill Mtn Foundation, Hunter, NY
"The set was so smart, the masks were beautiful, the music evocative & the cast superb" - Angelina Arts Alliance, Lufkin, TX
“I tremendously admire the poetry of Miss Potter’s art as she develops this fantastic, realistic, truthful story.” - Maurice Sendak, from Caldecott & Co.
“It is an imaginary tale for children that leaves no doubt that such a rabbit as Peter exists in nature now, and has existed in nature forever.”
-- Linda Lear, from “Beatrix Potter, The extraordinary life of a Victorian genius”
All production photos © Mark Garvin
By arrangement with Frederick Warne & Co.• © F Warne & Co., 2018